A "pitch" is the throw of a Baseball from the pitcher to the catcher, usually with the intent of avoiding having the ball hit by the batter (who is of the opposing team). The batter stands to either side of home plate, bearing a bat (an elongated stick of wood or aluminum). The batter will try to hit the ball into the field of play when it is thrown toward him by the pitcher. If he does not try to hit it, or misses, the ball will be caught by the catcher. Depending on whether the ball passes through a specified area ("the strike zone"), the batter will be ruled with either a "strike" (he could have hit it) or a "ball" (it was outside the zone and unlikely to be hit). (see related link)
Baseball is a over-handed pitch. Softball is a under-handed pitch
In baseball the pitcher can pitch anyway they like. There is not a rule saying you have to pitch a certain way.
There is a slow-pitch BASEBALL bat is more for Little League. A fast-pitch BASEBALL bat is mostly 10 and under or 12 and under or even 14 and under. There isn't a slow-pitch and a fast-pitch BASEBALL bat. Meaning they cant be morphed together.
The fastball is the pitch most thrown and most hit in baseball.
Because a softball is heavier then a baseball.
A softball pitch is a lot harder to master than a baseball pitch because the motion is so different than regular throwing. However, once the pitcher has the motion down, the softball pitch is much easier on the body than a baseball pitch. This is because the softball pitch is a lot smoother than the violent baseball pitch. It cause a lot less shoulder injuries than a baseball pitch.
HBP...hit by pitch.
you press 2 then pitch
That's a change-up pitch.
Pitch, like pitch the baseball has one syllable.
Softball pitchers pitch from 43 feet, while baseball pitchers pitch from 60.5 feet. Therefore, A 65 mph softball pitch is equivalent to a 91 mph baseball pitch. Each reaction time is approx .45 seconds.