The end of the shaft is bent back 10degrees so you have to buy a crankshaft head which would be leaning forward on a regular straight shaft. You can feel the ball better when its in your head and have a quicker release. I have a K18 crankshaft and it is the favorite stick ive ever owned or used.
The crankshaft is a light weighted lacrosse shaft typically used for quicker shots.
it depends on how serious you are about playing, but i think that the crankshaft is the best.
no, one example that it can't fit on is the crankshaft
Absolutely. There's a crankshaft made by stx for college, and if it's good enough for NCAA it's good enough for high school.
No. The Crankshaft 7075 only works with specific heads, and a Bionic won't fit right.
These are two types of lacrosse shafts. The TOS is a type of crank shaft, while the gait 803 ice is not a crankshaft.
Yes it can, but i don't think any more than 10 degrees. check out some STX crankshafts they have good ones if that's what your looking for.
New balance owns Warrior lacrosse and Warrior lacrosse owns Brine Lacrosse.
World - International Lacrosse Federation/ International Federation of Women's Lacrosse Associations * Asia ** China - Beijing Lacrosse Development Committee (Chinese) ** Hong Kong - Hong Kong Lacrosse Association ** India - Indian National Lacrosse Federation ** Japan - Japanese Lacrosse Association (Japanese) ** Korea - Korean Lacrosse Association (Korean) * Europe - European Lacrosse Federation ** Austria - Austrian Lacrosse Association (German) ** Czech Republic - Czech Lacrosse Union (Czech) ** Denmark - Danish Lacrosse Federation ** England - English Lacrosse Association ** Finland - Finnish Lacrosse Association (Finnish) ** France - French Lacrosse Association (French) ** Germany - German Lacrosse Association (German) ** Ireland - Irish Lacrosse Foundation ** Italy - Italian Federation of Lacrosse (Italian) ** Latvia - Latvian Lacrosse Federation (Latvian) ** Netherlands - Dutch Lacrosse Association (Dutch) ** Norway - Norwegian Lacrosse (Norwegian) ** Poland - Poland Lacrosse (Polish) ** Scotland - Lacrosse Scotland ** Slovakia - Slovak Lacrosse Association (Slovak) ** Slovenia - Slovenian Lacrosse Association ** Switzerland - Swiss Lacrosse Federation ** Spain - Spanish Lacrosse Federation (Spanish) ** Sweden - Swedish Lacrosse Association (Swedish) ** Wales - Welsh Lacrosse Association * North America ** Bermuda - Bermuda Lacrosse Association ** Canada - Canadian Lacrosse Association ** Iroquois Confederacy - Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse ** Mexico - Mexico Lacrosse ** United States - US Lacrosse * Oceania ** Australia - Lacrosse Australia ** New Zealand - Lacrosse New Zealand * South America ** Argentina - Lacrosse Argentina (Spanish) From Wikipedia
With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball
To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.
I would say the best warrior shafts are:1.Krypto Pro Diamond2.Krypto Pro3. Kryptolyte4. Dolomite5. TitanI have never used the Dolomite or titan but i heard they were good.SEARCH "WHAT IS THE BEST KIND OF LACROSSE SHAFT?"on wikianswers