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its like a wrap check. you are running behind them and you wrap your stick around to the front of them and hit their stick.

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Q: What is a helicopter check in lacrosse?
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How do you string a lacrosse net?

Check out Youtube.

What forms of checking are legal in box lacrosse?

Body Check, Stick Check. Playing without a stick is also allowed in Box Lacrosse but not in field lacrosse. Cross checking is legal in Box, but not from behind. Poke checking is illegal.

How do you check lacrosse transmission level?

You don't, it is a sealed transmission.

Can you check the stick with your stick in an upward direction toward the face in lacrosse?

No in womens lacrosse. I'm fairly certain you can in mens because the face is protected.

How do I modify a walkera helicopter?

If you would like to learn about how to modify a Walkera Helicopter you can check out their website, which will give you all the details.

How do you play defense on someone faster in a lacrosse game?

Mark her and her stick get in front of her or him and do an down check no up check whistle blowed

What helicopter can carry the most civilians?

hi people .com check this website out

How does lacrosse checking work?

there are two types of checking: body check and stick check with stick checking you can hit your opponent as hard as you like but your hands have to be together on the shaft with body checking you can ram into anybody as hard as you like but both of your hands have to be on your lacrosse shaft

GTAlcs how to get helicopter?

Check youtube for the mission false idols or use the cheat device.

Does the Walkera Dragonfly Helicopter come with a service manual?

The Walkera Dragonfly Helicopter should come with a service manual. If your Walkera Helicopter does not come with a service manual, check out this website here.

How much Time it takes for a helicopter to take off?

time for an helicopter to takeoff varies on types and model of the helicopter it self. this is because every helicopter or aircraft have their own check list provided by the manufacturer or operator depending on operation. this check list is for the pilot to go through during start up, taxing, take off, approaching and landings. again, time for each machine to take off varies.

What is a caused turnover lacrosse?

when one removes the ball from the offensive player, ex. a check or a stolen pass