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Less than 1.2 is good. Less than 1 is excellent

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Q: What is a good softball WHIP stat?
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What does FA mean in softball stats?

There is no standard stat with the abbreviation of FA.

What is a pitching stat?

Wins, losses, IP, WHIP, Saves and Strikeouts are all pitching stats.

Who sang you can whip it whip it good?

The song was "whip it" by Devo

Should you get a whip or a zammy spear in runescape which one and why?

I personally prefer the whip since it is more for the offensive and the spear is more for the defensive. The whip has +82 in strength and slash stat which makes it one of the best 1-wielded weapons in runescape.

What does WHIP mean softball stat?

It's the walks and hits per inning pitched. In other words it's the average number of walk and hits a pitcher gives up per inning pitched.

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~softball is life!~

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Is softball a good type of exercises?

softball is good exercise because it helps with speed, agility, power, and wits

What is a good whip?

In the 2010 MLB season, the average WHIP in the National League was 1.348 and in the American League was 1.346. That would put a good whip at about 1.2 and below.

How long is Reddi Whip good for after opening?

Reddi Whip is good for about two weeks after opening if stored in the refrigerator.

Do you have to play high school softball to get into college softball?

Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.

Is softball a good sport?
