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A good reason NOT to play softball is because you can often get hit by the ball in many ways, such as: When you are batting, you can get hit off of a bad pitch. When someone is batting and hits the ball to you and you get hit by it. When you are hit by the ball threw at you, and many others ways. Other than that, softball is a fun sport and I advise you to play it.

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Q: What is a good reason for not playing softball?
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What is a good way to wear your hair while playing softball?

In a ponytail

What are the social benefits of softball?

Being on a softball team allows you to meet many new people and make more the people on you team and also the people on the team you play against. Also you can get into a good college if you can earn a scholarship.

What age did Jennie finch started playing softball?

Jennie started playing softball at the age of five, and started pitching at the age of eight.

What are diffrenceces of playing softball and baseball?

No difference except softball is for girls with a softer, bigger ball.

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Is it bad to fast while playing softball?

yes, fasting while you play softball is really not a good idea. But i guess it depends on what level youre on. if you play fastpitch, you need to eat otherwise you will faint.

Do you pitch under hand in softball?

If your playing any kind of Womens softball then yes. But for mens softball, it matters what league your playing in. Some lay overhand slow itch, overhand fast itch, underhand slow pitch or underhand fast pitch. Check with a teamate or make sure what kinda of softball you are playing

What are good cell phone signatures about softball?

~softball is life!~

Is makeup allowed while playing softball?

yes, makeup is allowed while playing softball. mostly depends on your coaches for what they prefer, but there are no rules saying you can't.

Where did fastpitch softball start?

The problem is that fastpitch softball is a derivative of slowpitch softball. Slowpitch has a place; however, the entire reason for throwing underarm was to make it a more leisurely game. Someone then decided to alllow girls to hurl it underarm at high speeds. It is a fundamentally flawed sport due to the imbalance between pitcher and batter. There is really no reason for it to exist other than the sexism that has kept girls from playing baseball.

What are the pros and cons of playing softball?

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Playing a game of softball is what type of activity?
