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Q: What is a good OPS for girls fast pitch softball?
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Is fast pitch softball hard?

Depends how good you are (;

What height should you pitch to for girls u12 fast pitch softball?

it depends on how fast you throw it and if you can throw strikes i would say from 4'11 or above but you dont have to be tall to be a good pitcher it just helps

What is a good fast pitch softball team name for girls wearing power pink?

Pink power puffs OR hoodwinked pinks(my fave) OR the awesome pink possums OR the pink ladies Or awesome flamingoes

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Good name for ten year old girls softball tema with the uniform color purple

What is the difference between a fast pitch glove and a baseball glove?

Construction and leather are the same (for respective models). But Slowpitch have bigger pockets to accommodate 12" softballs and they are designed for men. For Girls/Women's Fastpitch Softball gloves, good gloves have slender fingerstalls to accommodate smaller finger and palms of girls and women. The Coach - Information, Reviews and Rankings for over 50 Fastpitch Softball Gloves that cost $75 or more and over 40 Fastpitch Softball Bats that cost $100 or more

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What is a good name for girls softball wearing pink?

Pink Lady's

What are good softball names for girls wearing green?

Green machine?

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swinging dixx

What is a good name for a slow-pitch softball team wearing orange and green?

the turtles

What is a good softball team name for girls wearing gold?

goldi-sox the stars