A force out in "player foul" terms, is when a player pushes the player with the ball out of bounds. In other words, they are "forcing out" the player with the ball. This is illegal in the NBA.
Hope this helps :)
A baserunner may lose his right to occupy a base when a batter becomes a baserunner. The original baserunner could be thrown out when forced to advance, this becomes a force out.
Example: Baserunner on first, batter hits a ground ball, the baserunner on first must try to advance, so the batter may try to advance to first, should a fielder field the ground ball and throw to another fielder at 2nd base, who then tags the base for the out, this is a force out of the runner who originally occupied first base.
you can play 12 seasons then they will force you to retire
In the NBA.
no they are paid to ref by the NBA so they follow the NBA rules
the NBA
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NBA is not a team NBA is national basketball association
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nba 09 the inside
The NBA player on the NBA logo is Jerry West.
You can buy NBA socks at the NBA team shop.