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Q: What is a fly runner?
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Does a sacrifice fly that advances a runner from second to third count as an at bat?

A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.

Is it possible to hit a sac fly when there is only one runner on first base?

No. For it to be a sacrifice fly, a runner must score.

Can a rode runner fly?

Yes, but they generally do not.

What is sacrifice fly in softball?

A sacrifice fly in softball is when they batter sacrifices themselves (meaning they are getting an out) to score the runner or to move the runner into scoring position.

Why does a road runner not fly?

because it likes to run

How is a sacrifice fly different from a sacrifice bunt?

A sacrifice fly is a fly ball that is caught for an Out, but that allows a runner to tag up and score. A sacrifice bunt is a ball that is "tapped" with the intent of sacrificing an Out (the batter) to advance the runner or runners on base.

If you catch a fly ball but the runner is on base is he out?

yes he is out yes he is out

What are some flood runner 3 cheats?

Fly forever

Runner advances a base on a fly ball but not from third Sac or not?

no it is not a sacrifice- just a regular at bat and fly out

Runner on 3rd. Batter hits fly ball foul and it is caught.Can they tag the player on 3rd if she is off the base?

Yes. A foul fly ball is no different than a fair fly ball. The runner at third can tag up and try for home after the catch and the defense can try to throw the runner out at third if she is not paying attention.

Can a pop fly be a sacrifice if its hit into foul territory?

yes, if it is a fly ball and it gets caught, any base runner can try to go to the next base. for example, a runner on third tags up on a fly ball. the right fielder catches it in foul territory. as long as the runner on third is on the base or goes back and touches it after leading off, she can try to steal home.

How do you score a runner that advances a base but not scoring a run after tagging up when the batter had a fly out?

The only other way I can think of that a runner would score from a fly-out without tagging up would be when the fielder catches the fly ball and then throws it into the infield and the infielder doesn't catch the ball properly, allowing the runner to advance home on an error.