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A sacrifice fly is a fly ball that is caught for an Out, but that allows a runner to tag up and score. A sacrifice bunt is a ball that is "tapped" with the intent of sacrificing an Out (the batter) to advance the runner or runners on base.

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Q: How is a sacrifice fly different from a sacrifice bunt?
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Related questions

When did the sacrifice fly stop going against your batting average?

A sacrifice bunt or fly has never been considered an at-bat.

What does SAC stand for in Baseball box score?

Sacrifice. Either a sacrifice bunt or sacrifice fly. Neither counts as an at bat.

Can a bunt be an infield fly ruling?

No, an attempted bunt can never be ruled an infield fly.

What are non official at bats in baseball?

A base on balls, being hit by the pitch, a sacrifice bunt and a sacrifice fly. None of these are official at-bats.

If a player hits the ball to the right side of the infield so that the runner on third could score is that considered a sacrifice?

No, it is not considered a sacrifice unless the batter is advanced as a result of a bunt. Also, a fly ball that is caught is only considered a sacrifice if a runner tags and scores on the play. If a runner tags at 1B or 2B on the caught fly ball, and advances one base, it is not considered a sacrifice fly.

What is SAC in scoring baseball?

Sac stands for sacrifice bunt.

If a batter reaches base on an error is it an official at bat?

Yes. The only time it is not an official "At Bat", is if a batter reaches base on a base on balls, hit by pitch or catcher interference. A batter is also not charged with an "At Bat" if he hits a sacrifice fly (a fly ball out that results in a runner tagging up and scoring), or a sacrifice bunt that advances a runner or runners. He is also not charged with an "At Bat" if the batter reaches base as a result of an error on a sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt.

Does a sacrifice bunt hurt your batting average?

No, since a sacrifice bunt does not count as an at bat the batter's average stays the same.

In baseball what is a sacrafice?

Official baseball rule 10.09 (a) Score a sacrifice bunt when, before two are out, the batter advances one or more runners with a bunt and is put out at first base, or would have been put out except for a fielding error. (b) Score a sacrifice bunt when, before two are out, the fielders handle a bunted ball without error in an unsuccessful attempt to put out a preceding runner advancing one base.

Does sac fly count toward on base percentage?

Yes. While a sacrifice fly does not count against your batting average it does against your on base percentage. On base % = (hits + walks + hits by pitch) / (at-bats + walks + hits by pitch + sacrifice flies)

What is a bunt that allows a baserunner to move to the next base while the batter gets out?

A sacrifice bunt.

When can a batter not bunt?

A batter can bunt anytime ...whether it's wise to bunt is a different story.