Fake runs are typically called PLAY ACTION. Usually a fake pass is run before a DRAW play with the Running Back or Quarterback then running.
Fake hand off "playing the hand off then action of the pass"
screen play
doesn't a single person reading this know why? every pass play involves action! WHY is it called that (NOT what is it)?
Pass Interference
A perfectly thrown football is called a Spiral.
a football team gets four downs. but mostly they punt or kick a feild goal on the 4th or fake a run or the could have fake punt pass
In American football, when a defender catches a forward pass from the offense, it is called an interception.
When a football player drops the ball, it is called a fumble if he had possesion of the ball, or an incomplete pass if a receiver fails to catch the ball.
In American and Canadian Football, a ball can be passed forward from behind the line of scrimmage. If the ball falls on the ground it is called an incomplete pass. That means no one caught it. It can also be called an incomplete. That is a short way of saying "It is an incomplete forward pass."