The team that takes possession of the ball (the offense) has four attempts, called downs, to advance the ball 10 yards towards their opponent's (the defense's) end zone. When the offense gains 10 yards, it gets a first down, or another set of four downs to gain 10 yards. If the offense fails to gain a first down (10 yards) after 4 downs, it loses possession of the ball. Click on the web link at the bottom of the page for more information.
how many times u are allowed to try and get the ball 10 yards... 1st down is ur first try... the 2nd... then 3rd... if u dont make it on the 3rd down its fourth down and u either get to try one more time or punt the ball to the other team... if u get the ball ten yards you get a fresh set of downs.
A "down" is the term for a single play (from scrimmage). On offense, a team has four "downs" with which to gain ten yards, or else they must forfeit possession of the football to the other team. When they do gain the required ten yards, they get a new series of four downs. This process continues until the team scores, or loses/forfeits possession of the ball.
there are 4 downs in football.
Flag football is similar to American football is almost every way except the tackling. For example, a down in flag football is the same as it is in American football - ten yards.
There are about 70 football fields' worth of trees cut down every minute, so in a day, roughly 100,800 football fields of trees are cut down.
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One play is one down.
no it is a knee that is considered a down.
It goes to the second down
By a tuch Down
when tackled by defense
A wrist being down does not constitute a player being down. The rule stands the same in HS, college or NFL football.