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no it is a knee that is considered a down.

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Q: Does the ankle count as down in college football?
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When are you down in college football Does a wrist count or is that part of your hand?

A wrist being down does not constitute a player being down. The rule stands the same in HS, college or NFL football.

When do the College Football Playoffs begin?

The NCAA college football playoffs will not start until January 1st, 2014. There are several college bowls and there has to be teams narrowed down to play in each bowl tournament.

How can you sprain somebody else's ankle its for a story not real life thanks?

If the person falls over like down stairs or a bad football tackle

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When you move the yardage markers for a first down does the clock stop in the NFL?

No. Not in the NFL, only in college football

When is a college football player considered down?

when he is just laying therewhen he is just laying there

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no sucking boys balls sack b....

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Ohio state Definitely Ohio State hands down.

If a receiver's knee is down in the end zone and he then catches the ball is it incomplete in college football?

Yes, the ball is caught incomplete because he was down before he caught it.

What is the longest fourth down in college football?

55. Georgia was 4th and 57 at Tennessee in the year 2011.

What is the recommended treatment for someone who sprains their ankle?

If one sprains his or her ankle, they should do the following: Ice and compress the ankle to keep swelling down, keep the leg elevated while seated or lying down, and most importantly, get plenty of rest.

Is a college football player down only if his knee touches the ground?

No ... if the shoulder, elbow, forearm, or wrist touch the ground the ball carrier is also considered down.