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It is called blocking.

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Q: What is a call when you are up at the net and you prevent the other team from spiking the ball in volleyball?
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What is the motion in spiking volleyball?

to spike a volleyball you swing your arms behind your back and when you jump you reach for the ball, spiking it with your wrist.

Is a volleyball player spiking a ball kinetic energy?


In volleyball what does it mean to smash the ball overarm into the opponent's court?

That would be spiking the ball

What is spiking in volleyball?

when you approach the net and hit the ball over using your palm

How can speed help in volleyball?

speed helps alot in volleyball because you have to have speed to get to the ball, and you have to be able to give the ball speed while spiking, pushing, and serving. ****

How is math used in spiking a volleyball?

In volleyball math is used when you hit the ball. You use angles and force to hit the ball in a downward motion causing you to hit the ball or otherwise spike the ball.

How do you snap a volleyball?

When hitting or spiking a volleyball, a player "snaps" his/her wrist in order to hit the ball harder and more downward. This is done by "breaking" the wrist immediately after the ball is hit.

What are the 3 main hits used to get the ball over the net in volleyball?

Bumping. Setting. And spiking. #Fowler out.

Does distance aawy from the net matter in volleyball for spiking?

It is easier to spike close to the net. However, spiking a little bit away from the net gives you greater control to which direction the ball goes.

Is A volleyball player spiking a ball kinetic or potential energy?

When a volleyball player spikes a ball, the energy is mainly in the form of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is associated with objects in motion, so as the player hits the ball, the energy is transferred to the ball in the form of movement.

Does it take more skill to play soccer or to play volleyball?

I think Volleyball, but thats just my opinon! Its easier to kick a ball where you want it to go, but controling the ball when passing, setting, and spiking is much harder. Also in Volleyball you must perfect you serve. Hope that helps!

Why do volleyball players swing their legs forward when spiking a ball with their arm?

To gain momentum. It can compare to when you push up with your legs on a pass or a bump.