A "hurkey" is a jump where one extended leg goes in front of you and one extended leg goes behind you.
A "hurkey" is a jump where one extended leg goes in front of you and one extended leg goes behind you. often used in gymnastics or cheerleading. Info from: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hurkey
There are toe-touches or russians, left hurkey/hurdler, right hurkey/hurdler, left front, right front, and a pike
Lawrence Herkimere. He is the person who invented the herkie jump. He named it after himself.
See the related link for a picture of a hurkey in cheerleading.
Turkey, quirky, hurkey, murky, perky
69. wombat. spoom. hurkey jurkey......
practice front splits starting with your left leg, and left extensions. Keep trying and use your leg muscles to pull up higher. keep practicing
okay so first off you must streatch for them *hurkey streatching* touch your toes on separate feet and circle your ankles. Do regular streatches like you do in gym. *Pike streatching* also do regular gym streaches but there is a GREAT streatch to do! it is called a pike streatch.you sit down on the ground put both feet out together and point your toes then reach down and grab your arch in your feet and hold it there. *Tips* if you can't touch your toes then reach your hands up in the sky and inhale then reach for your toes as you exhale. OKAY SO NOW WE MOVE ON TO DOING THE JUMPS. *hurkey* while doing a right/left hurkey. your leg that you decide to use right/left is extended. then the other leg is bent backwords while in the air. If you have trouble getting height in your jump then do wolf jumps which are mini hurkeys or practice your hurkey on a trampoline if possible! *pike* when doing a pike, you are doing a pike streatch all over again exept you are keeping your hands in fists instead of on your feet. to get higher practice doing them non stop in the air without any perfection. just think about your height while you do this. Video taping yourself is also a helpful tip because then you know what it is you have to work on.! =) HELP- if you need more help I would visit youtube.com if you have acess to that. Good Luck on your Jumps and I hope this helped! Don't worry about it if you can't get it right away! I am a cheerleader and it took me awile to learn these jumps too. so have fun!!!!!!! enjoy! Miss.Cheerleader
Toe touchHerkieHurdler (side and front)PikeTuckAround The WorldDouble HookDouble JumpThe PencilSpread EagleDouble NinePower Jump
Jump By Kriss Kross
The future tense is will jump.
There are two track and field events. The long jump, and the triple jump.