Jordan wore number 23 primarily. He wore 12 and 45 too. For Team USA he wore 9.
His other # was #45 briefly while on the Chicago Bulls.
He was #23 then when he retired #23 was also retired so he had to wear #45 until he was traded to the wizards
Michael jordan
Michael Jordan was number 23.
a Michael Jordan Air is a Basketball Shoe
Michael Jordan used to be # 23 and his number is no one has it right now...I think.
Michael Jordan
The god of basketball is Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan made his slam dunks on the basketball court during basketball games.
Michael Jordan.
When he played for the North Carolina Tarheels he wore number 23.
Michael Jordan's number was 23, for olympic dream team he was worn 9 and after the retirement he used 45 for quite some time..
President Barack Obama's high school basketball number was 23. But this was before Michael Jordan made this number famous.