

What is Manchester city in french?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What is Manchester city in french?
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Is Manchester city in Manchester?

Yes, Manchester City is in Manchester.

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Manchester is ManchesterThe people from Manchester are called in French les Mancuniens

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The city that is midsouth of Manchester is still in the City of Manchester. Midsouth is just a term used for the midsouth portion of the City of Manchester.

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The Manchester City stadium is in the City Manchester. The name of the stadium is The City of Manchester Stadium.

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Er, Manchester?

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manchester city

Manchester city are better than Manchester unnited easy?

manchester city are crap and manchester united are the best team and are very good and better than manchester city.

Which part of England is Manchester city from?

Manchester City FC is located in Manchester, England.

Is Manchester a country or city?

Manchester in the UK is not a state, it is a city (in the North West of England). Greater Manchester, which the City of Manchester is a part of, is a metropolitan county established in 1974.

What does Manchester mean in French?

Sorry, there is no French word translation for the English word "Manchester".