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Brett Favre has a tear in his biceps tendon. When that was repaired before signing with the Minnesota Vikings they also found out he also has a minor tear in his rotator cuff in his shoulder.

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Q: What injury did Brett Favre have while playing with the Jets?
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Who is older Brett Farve or Troy Aikman?

Troy Aikmen. Brett Favre is 40 while Troy is 43. GO VIKINGS!!!

Is Brett Favre hated around the world?

No. While Brett has many people who dislike him for decisions he's made, he isn't hated around the entire world.

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Trent Dilfer was born on March 13, 1972, and Brett Favre was born on October 10, 1969. So, Brett Favre is almost 3 years older than Trent Dilfer.

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John David Booty for the Vikings had #4 before Brett went to MN.

How Brett Favres dad died?

Irvin Favre died of either a heart attack or stroke while driving December 21, 2003

Words that have a silent v?

While no words come to mind, the famous professional football quarterback Brett Favre's last name has a silent 'v' in it.

What do you think will happen for Brett Favre the football player?

Actually, his last name is spelled faVRe. And After being bashed up as bad as he was during his last game against the Saints, there's no telling whether he will retire or keep playing. But after being hit over, and over, and over by the Saints defense, he'll definitely be a little gun-shy for a while.

When did Brett Favres dad die?

The Associated Press reported that his father suffered either a stroke or heart attack while driving and ran his car off the road into a ditch. Police on the scene said the accident was not serious enough to have taken Mr. Favre's life and they believed the medical condition caused the accident.

Philip Rivers or Brett Favre for fantasy who do you start for week 15?

Rivers by far, while Favre is still a great QB he has some injured receivers. At this point you are probably in the playoffs so stick with Rivers who has healthier receiving options.

What was the injury JFK received while playing football?

he broke his wrist

Who caught Brett Favre's final pass?

Brett Favre actually caught his own first pass. His first pass attempt was deflected by a defender and he caught the ball off of the deflectionFarve's first pass in a regular season NFL game was an interception that resulted in a touchdown. His career passing while a Falcon was 0 completions in 4 attempts with 2 interceptions.

Why is Brett Favre a great football player?

A guy like Brett Favre is the key kind of quarterback for football. I mean, the crowd goes nuts when he gets a touchdown pass, you know? BOOM! Tocuhdown! What I'm saying here is that when you see this guy play football, you sorta get this feeling that you just want to get up and dance etc. Brett Favre is a MVP Quarterback, its believed that he will retire a Vikings in 2010 after his 20th NFL season (1 with NYG, 16 with Green Bay, 1 with NYJ, and 2 with Minnesota)