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You would have obstruction on the player that interfered with the runner, the play however is not dead. The fielder could be ejected for unnecessary excessive contact. The runner will be awarded the base he was going to but anything after that base is runner discretion meaning if the runner advances to any other base it is at their own risk.

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Q: What if a fielder takes out a runner who is on the base path - not involved with a play?
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A pop fly is bobbled by the outfielder and the runner takes off before he has control of the ball is it out?

The runner would be out if he does not return to the base before the fielder throws it to the base. Runners may advance from their base as soon as the ball is touched by a fielder. In this case, the runner would not be out.

If a runner has to return to a base on a caught flyball is that a force out?

Yes. The fielder covering the base does NOT have to tag the runner. The runner is forced out when the fielder steps on the base before the runner can make it back. Got that.

A runner not touching the base and a fielder touches him with a glove and ball is?

The runner is out as long as the fielder you touches has the ball in his glove

Is the batter out or safe if a base runner gets hit by a ball?

No. If a fielder has a legitimate opportunity to make an attempt at the ball, but the ball passes the fielder and then touches the runner, he is not out. The rules state a runner is out when a batted ball touches him before it passes a fielder.

If a player is in the line of the runner and the runner runs into the player are they out?

If the fielder has fielded a ball and has it in his possesion yes. If the fielder is in the path of the base and does not have the ball, the answer is no New answer: The fielder may enter the base path to field a BATTED ball and the runner must avoid contact whether the fielder has possession or not. The above answer is correct for a thrown ball only. (ie. the third baseman cannot position himself on the basepath while waiting for a throw from left field while the runner is advancing from 1st to 3rd on a hit.

When tagging up does the runner have to wait for fielder to have possession or first touch?

The fielder has to have the ball in his possession but if he drops it he doesn't have to tag up. Actually, the fielder doe NOT have to have possession of the ball for a base runner to tag up and advance. Once the runner is on the base ("tagging up") he may advance as soon as the fielder touches the ball, whether he has possession or not. In other words, the base runner may advance even if the fielder is bobbling the ball and then catches it, i. e. has possession.

Does the runner have to be tagged out?

no, you can tag the runner to get him out or on a play where the runner is forced to run you can step on the base he is running to.

When the runner must run and all the fielder needs to do is touch the base is what?

an out

If a fielder is in the basepath and the runner either runs into the fielder or is forced around the fielder is it interference on the fielder?

If a baserunner runs into a fielder who is in the base line, and who is not in the act of fielding a ball, the call would be OBSTRUCTION on the fielder. The baserunner would be awarded the base he was running to. The runner that has been obstructed will be awarded at least one base or as many bases that the umpire deems necessary to offset the obstruction. This is a judgment call for the umpire and cannot be protested.

What is the scoring decision if a batter hits a ground ball to shortstop and the runner on second collides with the fielder as he is going to third base?

Fielder has the right to occupy the territory necessary to field the ball, runner must give right of way to the fielder. In this case, runner is out.

If a infielder boots the ball from out of the base path into the base path and the runner runs in to him while he is trying to field the ball is the runner out?

No, once the fielder comes in contact with the batted ball a runner cannot be called for runner interference unless he intentionally goes out of his way (basepath) to make contact with the fielder

Why use double first base?

To prevent collisions between runner and fielder