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MANY MANY players have scored 3 goals in a game. It's called a "hat trick."

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16y ago

On Mar. 23, 1952, Bill Mosienko of the Chicago Black Hawks scored 3 goals in 21 seconds. He almost had a fourth a few seconds later but rang it off the post.

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15y ago

Bill Mosienko of the Chicago Blackhawks scored 3 goals in 21 seconds on March 23rd, 1952.

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In hockey, a Mule Trick is five goals scored by the same player in one game.

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The answer is 7 by Grant Mulvey on February 3rd, 1982. He scored 5 goals and had 2 assists that night.

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Probably Darryl Sittler, since the question is posed in "Ice Hockey" category. Mr. Sittler scored 5 goals in a playoff game, and 6 goals and 4 assists in a regular season game for a 10 point total that has never been matched.

Who has scored the most goals in one hockey game?

Joe Malone (7)

What is it called if 3 goals are scored in an ice hockey game?

A hat trick

Who was the first person to ever get 50 goals in one whole season?

Any 3 goals, or more, scored by the same player in one hockey game is called a hat trick. Unofficially, 6 goals by the same player in one hockey game is called a double hat trick, but is a rarely accomplished feat in professional hockey.

Where did hockey hat trick come from?

During a hockey game years ago, after a player scored three goals, fans tossed hats onto the ice, and the phrase hat trick came to be.

Has a hockey player ever scored a goal in every game for the season?

No, no NHL player has ever scored a goal in every game of the season.

Most goal scored in recent NHL hockey game?

Johan franzen scored 5 goals against the Ottawa senators in 2011

What is a pure hat trick?

A "natural" hat trick occurs when a player scores three consecutive goals. The goals do not have to be scored in one period, but they cannot be interrupted by goals from the player's teammates or opponents.

What is a pig trick in hockey?

In ice hockey, when a player scores four goals in one game.

Most goals scored in a single nhl game?

The most goals scored in a hockey ranks up to a 16-3 win for the Montreal Canadiens against the Quebec Bulldogs ( Quebec dos not have a NHL hockey team) on March the 3rd 1920