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In most jurisdictions, you will be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor. It is also likely you will receive a ban of some length (sometimes for life) from attending any future events at that particular venue or even the entire conference.

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Q: What happens if you run across the field at a college football game?
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How many yards across a football field?

A football field across is 53.3 yards.

What is a ball thrown across a football field an example of?

A ball thrown across a football field is an example of a projectile.

How big is West Texas A and M university football field?

The size of the regulation college football field.

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What is that thing called that football players run at and drag across the field when they're practicing?

The equipment football players drag across the field when they are training is called football sleds. They use this as a way to strengthen their defensive line.

What is Football field sideline width?

40 yards across.

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Can neurons be compared to a football field?

Neurons and a football field can be compared in terms of size and structure. A neuron is a nerve cell that is much smaller than a football field, but both have a network-like structure. In a football field, players move across the field to score goals, whereas in a neuron, electrical signals travel across its network to transmit information in the brain and body.

Why do college football not kick field gold from center of field?

Because it would be a sixty yard field goal, and only a handful of college kickers can make it from there.

What happen on a football field?

Usually a football game happens. Sometimes a marching band will play.

How many college player are on the field during a football game?

the answer would be about 63 considering that each football "college" team is about 30 players long...