If the referee deems it to be delaying the restart of play or unsporting behavior.
A player shown a yellow card is receiving a caution. A formal warning to stop doing something.
Depending on the level of the foul or bad behavior (taking someone out by purposely harming them), a player may receive a yellow or a red card. The red card is more serious.
It is a warning
6cm by 12cm
In football(British word for soccer) a red card means you get sent off for the rest of the game! So if you get a red card at minute 2 then you cant come on for the rest of the game. The same happens if you get 2 yellow cards.
No only yellow and red cards are there in soccer.
In most cases play continues. If it was done on intentionally, it depends on the referee but sometimes a yellow maybe even a red card.
when the (soccer) game is in play it is a yellow card.
The cards used in soccer (2) were the yellow card (warning) or red (sent off).
A caution, by showing a yellow card, or a send off, by showing a red card.
sometimes a card and sometimes they wll just speak to the player