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well the first thing is he should be wearing a paintball mask

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You call the police and press charges.

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Q: What happens if someone hit your son with paintball gun?
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Is an airsoft gun or a paintball gun better for fighting with?

Paintball gun. You can see where you hit your target. I disagree, if you are looking for a more realistic looking weopon then use an airsoft gun

Are you out if your gun gets hit in paintball?

At most places, and all professional leagues, yes.

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If your gun is hit in paintball are you shot?

It depend on the rules of the game. Theoretically, you would just be disarmed.

What is being hit by a paintball gun like?

It is comparable to a thick rubber band snap to the back of the neck.

What model of paintball gun killed Colette Contois?

it was not the marker that killed her, it was the CO2 tank that ruptured and shot off and hit her in the head

On a paintball gun what are eyes?

Eye's on a [aintball gun, make sure that the ball is all the way in the breach before you can fire. It stops you from shooting when there are no balls, and keeps them from breaking b being hit with the bolt halfway into the correct spot.

What are facts about the Paintball gun accident which killed one Colette Contois?

On February 16, 2004 Colette Contois was standing with her husband at the end of her sons birthday party at a local paintball field. As someone was taking of the tank of their marker, the CO2 tank shot off and hit the back of her head at a high velocity. The injuries were fatal.

Paintballing under 16 years of age?

You need to be 18 years old to BUY a paintball gun, but you can play at any age. Most fields require you to be at least 12 to play there. So you'll need a parent to buy your paintball gun, and to sign a waiver for the field. After that, hit the field!

What is the best kind of sight to use on a paintball marker?

This is a deceptively big question, if you are playing competitively, get someone to show you how to hold your gun and stance to fire properly using an electro. Otherwise honestly a paintball gun isn't accurate enough to need any form of site. Just aim downthe rails if you got em, if not aim with your paint! The best way to aim is just to fire a few times and adjust until your gun is lined up with your eyes, and you get the hit.

Should you get a paintball gun or air soft gun?

It all depends what you want to do. If you just want to shoot targets in your backyard, go get an airsoft gun, they are much cheaper than paintball guns. However If you want to play with people in a competitive game, get a paintball marker. There are nearly no "airsoft fields" and It is hard to play at any more than recreation because of the short range of the guns and the inability to tell you are hit with even thin layers of clothing.

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