If a player on defense catches a disc or hits it to the ground, then possession changes. The player may continue play going the opposite direction. If the disc hits the ground, any player may pick it up on his or her team to continue play. This is similar to an interception in American football.
The one that keeps YOU on the ground
it can bounce back up but will probably hit the ground and roll away
the offensive team switches to play defense and the previously defensive team picks up the disc and can attack their opponents end zone (i.e. they switch to offense). this happens whenever the offensive team drops the disc or it hits the floor whilst they are attacking, be it through a missed-throw or if a defensive player knocks the disc to the ground. defense do not have to catch the disc to turn over the play.
Relative to the ground and anything else on the ground including buildings or a person just standing there, yes, the frisbee is at rest. Relative to a person walking by or a skateboard rolling by, the frisbee is in motion. There's no such thing as 'really' at rest or 'really' moving. Motion is always relative to something.
Relative to the ground and anything else on the ground including buildings or a person just standing there, yes, the frisbee is at rest. Relative to a person walking by or a skateboard rolling by, the frisbee is in motion. There's no such thing as 'really' at rest or 'really' moving. Motion is always relative to something.
when it hits the ground (ka-chunk!)
Lots of things.In fact, it uses the energy you have to throw the frisbee up. Then the wind level will make it "fly". Then Gravity will pull the frisbee down towards the ground.
After catching the frisbee, leaving one foot planted on the ground and swinging the other foot either left or right to position yourself for a better throw, or to get away from defenders.
when you throw the disc over your head perpendicular to the ground with a lot of flick and then it flattens out
There are different positions named in different formations. Most positions are given for defensive formations.The following positions are from man on zone offense and defense.The offensive positions includeHandlerMidLongWingPopperThe defensive positions includeMarkCupWingShort deepDeep deepWing deep
A turnover in ultimate is when the offensive team loses possession of the disc to the defensive team. This can happen when:1. The disc hits the ground (whether it be from a missed catch or from a defender smacking it to the ground. 2. A defender catches a disc 3. An offender catches the disc out of bounds or the disc lands out of bounds. 4. The stall count on the thrower hits ten seconds.
toss the disk to your teammates until you get to the touchdown zone, but the disk cannot hit the ground, or else it is a turnover