One foul on you does not do anything. It's just when you get to five fouls, you are out of the game. Also, if you get close to five fouls, the coach might take you out for a bit, if you are pretty good.
You get a technical foul.
No it is called a foul, flags are for football
technical foul
Basketball: Technical Foul (Tech) Football: Penalty
nothing they are just over the foul limit
it will be considered a foul then the ball goes to the opponent.
A double dribble is when you dribble the ball, pick it up with both hands, and then dribble again. A travel is when you pick the ball up and take a step that is not a pivot.
You can like nudge people but if you truck them over that is a foul and they get 2 freethrows
Technicals, charge, reach, bartending, double dribble, up and down, holding, tripping, pushing, punching, elbowing, team foul, offensive foul, over the back, hand checking, illegal screen, illegal blocking, fighting foul, flagrant foul, loose ball foul, away from the play foul, double foul and blocking. whew. that's a lot 2 type in at once.
If you break a rule in basketball, such as foul or double-dribble, the defending team takes the ball out-of-bounds, meaning it's their ball.
you are in the bonus after the other team has 7 team fouls and you are in the double bonus after the 10th team foul