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The equipment in Basketball is simple.

All you need is a pair of shorts, a playing shirt, basketball sneakers and a basketball.

You will also need to find a basketball court to play on.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Basketball,people,basketball goals,benches,nets fo the goals ,and wear clothes such as basketball shorts they give the jerseys tho basketball shoes not flip flops girls and not sandals boys if you do then you will stub your toe dont try it and be stupid

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16y ago

In basketball all you need is some basketball shorts some basketball shoes and a basketball hoop and ball.

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13y ago

A basketball hoop and a basketball.

You also use equipment for your teeth to. Along with other equipment.

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Who created the equipment used in basketball?

Dr Naismith

What eqipment was used when basketball first began?

The equipment that was used in 1892 for basketball was mainly a ball. The ball used was a soccer ball as the basket ball had not been created.

What are proper ways to use basketball equipment?

The proper way to use basketball equipment is using it to play basketball.

Who made the basketball equipment?

There are many basketball equipment manufacturers.Spalding, Baden, Rawlings, Wilson, etc.

What equipment do you need in youth basketball?

Shoes and a basketball.

What are the basketball equipment and facilities?

Basketball is typically played on a basketball court. You will also need a basketball and a few other players to play with.

What equipment did girls use to play basketball in the 1900s?

Basketball, basketball hoop, and a court.

What changes in equipment used have happend since basketball was first created?

i know the rims and type of ball have changed

What are the facilities and equipment used in basketball?

The facility is a court that has two basketball hoops on either side. The court is about 11' x 6'. There are lots of equipment needed. There is the most major equipment of all: one basketball. You need two teams (numbers vary) to play against each other with distinctive physical differences. You could use someone to serve as a referee as well.

What equipment was used in basketball when it was invented?

coal miner gloves, a water cannon and three oxen

In 1912 what equipment did girls use in basketball?

Very simple... a basketball and a basketball court! In addition: a basketball hoop!

How much does equipment cost to play basketball?

The equipment needed to play basketball are a basketball, first off, and a hoop (generally the ones found inside school gyms). Those are the only materials needed. Some materials that can be used, however, include jerseys and shorts, a gym, and lines on the ground that pinpoint the three point line, free throw line, etc. There are a wide variety of costs for how much of this you decide to purchase.