Basketball is typically played on a basketball court. You will also need a basketball and a few other players to play with.
The facility is a court that has two basketball hoops on either side. The court is about 11' x 6'. There are lots of equipment needed. There is the most major equipment of all: one basketball. You need two teams (numbers vary) to play against each other with distinctive physical differences. You could use someone to serve as a referee as well.
Very simple... a basketball and a basketball court! In addition: a basketball hoop!
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The correct name for it is A basketball court.
Basketball goal kobe bryant basketball
The facility is a court that has two basketball hoops on either side. The court is about 11' x 6'. There are lots of equipment needed. There is the most major equipment of all: one basketball. You need two teams (numbers vary) to play against each other with distinctive physical differences. You could use someone to serve as a referee as well.
Network equipment and facilities sales were $41.0 billion in 2001
The proper way to use basketball equipment is using it to play basketball.
Facilities are often buildings and permanent sturctures. But equipment is movable stuff.
facilities & equipments of table tennis
There are many basketball equipment manufacturers.Spalding, Baden, Rawlings, Wilson, etc.
Shoes and a basketball.
Basketball, basketball hoop, and a court.
your hands
The equipment in basketball is simple. All you need is a pair of shorts, a playing shirt, basketball sneakers and a basketball. You will also need to find a basketball court to play on.
Dr Naismith
Very simple... a basketball and a basketball court! In addition: a basketball hoop!