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For youth Lacrosse, the required equipment is; Shoulder pads, Helmet, Elbow pads, Gloves, Mouth guard, and a stick. However there is also "strongly reccomended" equipment. Here is a list in order of importance. Cup/Jock Cleats Rib Pads Usually teams provide matching shorts and jerseys. Equipment varies for goalies.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Our son plays (he is 7yrs old) and they are required to wear a helmet with a cage, shoulder pads, arm/elbow pads, back and kidney guard, mouth guard, gloves and a jock/jill. If your child is playing box lacrosse you probably want to use knee pads as well. On top of this you'll need a stick and practice jersey. If you child plays hockey the shoulder, elbow pads, kidney/back guard and helmet can be used for lacrosse too. Hope that helps!

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14y ago

It is the same all the way through. Youth girls, MS girls, HS Girls and college players need the same equipment. And that is:

Lacrosse Stick


Mouth guard (not clear)

Cleats or Tennis Shoes (cleats recommended)

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15y ago

The very basics are stick, mouthguard, goggles, and some schools want cleetes but soem are okay with just sneakers

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What type of equipment do you need for Lacrosse?

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Should lacrosse players have prior experience?

It depends on what age you are talking about. If it is middle school or youth lacrosse you should be fine with little to no experience. But if you are looking at college lacrosse, you definitely need prior experience.

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For equipment Yes

What kind of product does lacrosse apparel offer?

Lacrosse apparel offers lacrosse clothing for men and women. They also offer lacrosse equipment. They have a discounted selection of clothing & equipment also.

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yes! as long as the pocket isn't to deep

How long is a youth lacrosse game?

Most youth lacrosse games have 4 12 minute quarters but in most tournaments there are two 20 minute halves.

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Lacrosse in Sammamish Washington?

Yes!Youth Lacrosse grades 2-8 boys & girls go to

Lacrosse in Issaquah Washington?

Yes!Youth Lacrosse grades 2-8 boys & girls go to

What is a good number for a youth lacrosse goalie?

About 60 to 70%