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Field players usually wear a mouthguard and shinguards, many also wear gloves (protection or for grip), appropriate footwear for the surface played on, and of course a uniform. Some defenders use protective facial equipment during set plays like penalty corners, and others throughout the game for medical reasons.

Goalkeepers must have at least a helmet and a shirt of a different colour, but most wear at least a pair of padded feet and leg covers (kickers and legguards), a padded pair of shorts, a groin and abdomen guard, a chest pad and arm pads (some use only elbow pads instead), hand protectors, and a throat/neck guard.

It goes without saying that every hockey player also carries a hockey stick.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Outfield Player: * Hockey Stick * Astro Hockey Shoes * Gum shield/Mouth guard * Shin Pads * Protective Glove (optional) * Polo Shirt * Shorts (Male) * Skort/Skirt (Female)


* Helmet * Neck Guard (Optional but very much recommended) * Elbow Pads (Optional but very much recommended) * Padded Shorts * Padded Leg Guards * Kickers * Padded Gloves * Goalkeeping Stick (but can use normal hockey stick)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The only necessary equipment for a keeper is a helmet and a different coloured shirt, in addition to the normal gear (stick, shinpads, etc.). There are further questions that address all of the equipment worn by keepers on WikiAnswers.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The equipment a goalkeeper uses is varied and depends on the playing style and preference of the keeper themselves. According to the rules, the minimum equipment a goalkeeper must wear in order to have "goalkeeping priveleges" (being allowed to kick the ball or use their body to stop it) are a HELMET and a DIFFERENT COLOURED SHIRT, except that the helmet can be taken off and the goalie becomes another field player. It should be noted that a keeper with GKPs is ony permitted them in the circle they are defending, and cannot take part in play outside the 23 metre area. A goalie categorised as fully-paddded must wear at least the helmet, a different coloured shirt, kickers and leg pads. Kickers are pads that are strapped onto a keeper's shoe and cover all except the heel and sole. The legguards are very thick yet lightweight pads that are strapped to the keeper's shins/knees. They are restricted in width, but often have "wings" that use up this width outside a keeper's own legs. The padding covers the shin and curves around to the outside as well, the only area not covered being the calf muscle and achilles' tendon. These further pieces of gear are permitted to be worn only by fully padded GKs: Thigh pads, abdomen guards (often incorporating a box), chest guards, arm pads, and hand protectors. Thigh pads normally appear to be oversized shorts, that have plates inside them to protect the front and sides of the upper legs down to kneeheight. Many also feature toughened areas on the back and sides to help prevent the pants from being damaged if the goalie slides. The abdomen guard looks like a thick belt and covers the waist between the bellybutton and overlapping the thigh pads. The chest guard covers the upper body: ribs, flanks, sternum, and up to around the shoulders and collarbones as well. This is a vital piece of equipment for any keeper and will prevent or lessen a serious injury (taken from personal experiences). The arm pads that a keeper uses depend on the style and ability. A keeper who slidesaves often will normally wear their right arm pads, and sometimes a left elbow guard. Those who mainly dive or stand may not wear armpads at all. However most younger or inexperienced goalies should wear arm pads covering all of both arms, just in case. The final pieces of extra equipment are the hand guards. These are the only pads that have a defined maximum size other than the legguards, and must be built so that the keeper must hold the stick instead of it being attached to the pad itself. Most sets of handguards- left and right- often feature a very different design for each hand, reflecting the normal actions they do in a game. The left hand is usually a square piece of thick foam with a hollow area for the hand to go inside and hold it. The right hand can come under two separate styles based on how they are meant to be used; standing or lying down, in rough terms. A standing handguard has a rhombus shape, with a tubeshaped hollow for the stick and a gap for the hand to reach down and hold it at about a 70 degree angle. A "lying down" handguard is almost a hollow rounded cone shape with a small hole at one end for the stick, and a larger one for the hand/wrist as welll as the remainder of the stick (most keepers hold the stick halfway down to balance it). This allows the stick to be held at right angles or parallel to the arm and anywhere in between, so a goalie can fully extend their reach when on the ground. Most goalies will also wear a box or groin guard, and a throat protector plate or a choke collar.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Generally a skort (a short skirt with shorts attached). This allows movement.

A shirt of some sort, the material may depend on how serious the level of hockey is, as you may need one which stops sweating and cools down your body.

Shin pads. Either the ones with protective padding over the ankle or the ones you slip in under your socks. Both are protective.

Hockey socks. Can also be Rugby or football socks. They should reach to just below your knee.

Astroboots/stud boots/ trainers. Footwear depends on the terrain.

A gum shield. Either a fitted or boil and bite.

A hockey stick.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The Equipment needed to play indoor Hockey is as follows

Outfield players

Indoor Hockey Stick: although an outdoor stick can be used in some lower competitions but not in National or International competitions.

Shin Guards: usually ones that cover about 3/4 of your shins

Mouth Guard: this is only advisory and not compulsory.


Stick: Compulsory

Helmet: Compulsory

Chest Guard: Compulsory

Elbow Guards: Advisory

Hand Pads: Compulsory

Padded shorts: Compulsory

Groin Guard: Advisory

Leg Guards: Compulsory

Kickers: Compulsory

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Besides normal soccer clothing, shinguards, and a shirt that is of different color than the two teams playing and the other goalie. Gloves are useful, but are not required.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Hockey ball, Hockey stick, shin pads and clothing

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Stick (always needed!), gum shield, and shin pads are all generally necessary for competitive play. A good pair of protective trainers are also a good idea.

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