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Q: What does walkthrough mean in basketball?
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i think you mean where is the walkthrough.... try for that stuff.

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The term 'walkthrough' in theater refers to a rehearsal of a play that is undertaken early on in the production. The purpose of the 'walkthrough' is for the general shape of the play to be established and the positioning of the actors to be determined.

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if you mean starter instead of "parter" your an idoit. go to Pokemon platinum walkthrough on your computer and click Pokemon platinum walkthrough.

Will more air outside a basketball make a basketball bounce higher?

If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.

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National Basketball Association

Where is the Littlebigplanet walkthrough?

The walkthrough can be found on YouTube.

Is there a walkthrough for early poptropica?

There is a written walkthrough, and a link to a video walkthrough, at the related question below.

What is the video walkthrough for Wimpy Wonderland?

There is a written walkthrough at the related question and a video walkthrough at the related link.

What is the sphere of a basketball?

I don't know what you mean but, yes a basketball is a sphere.

Are most sewers walkthrough?

yes some are walkthrough

Is there a walkthrough for Webkinz?

How and why would there even be a walkthrough for Webkinz?