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It feels very nice and competitive

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Q: What does volleyball feel like?
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In a volleyball game when is a spike used?

you can you used spike in volleyball once you achieved immortaility

What is your reflection about the different hand signals of volleyball?

Well first of all they make me feel like i am young again. They symbolize, for me, the togetherness you feel with you communicate without speaking and Volleyball would be completely different wthout the signals. Sometimes i feel regret when i ponder about volleyball because i had to stop playing volleyball due to an injury i received and even thought I am 18 my bones aren't as strong as they should be.

Who likes to play volleyball?

volleyball players and people who like volleyball

How do you say Volleyball in Spanish?

I like volleyball: Me gusta voleibol. I like to play volleyball: Me gusta jugar voleibol.You say it like this: Me gusta el volleyball.

How does a Volleyball feel?

depends on the volleyball. some are rubber and some are paded, some are flat, some are soft, some are hard, etc

What is a sentence about volleyball without using like or as?

I enjoy playing volleyball.

Do ltaly like volleyball?

Italy is famous for volleyball, so yes they do.

What fitness connections do volleyball have?

You are running around in volleyball just like you are in track.

Is volleyball for babies?

No way man you have to have some pretty awesome skills like myself if you want to play volleyball. Volleyball can get pretty intense.

Does Selena Gomez like Volleyball?

It is unknown whether she likes Volleyball or not, but it is said that she is a big Basketball fan.

What are volleyball clinics?

volleyball clinics are like practices and they review everything serving, passing, hitting, blockingg

Why is volleyball competitive?

Volleyball is competitive just like any other sport out there. Who doesn't love to get excited and win?