The most common is B-ball (especially verbally), though BB is also used quite often.
also, the abbreviations: NBA, NCAABB, and FIBA all most commonly refer to Basketball related terms.
Basketball means nothing in German. Basketball is an English word. The word derived from the fact that you shoot a ball into a basket to score.
This is a franglais word. It means "basketball".
The word shot in basketball or (NBA) means an attempt to score either two or three points.
Yes, the word basketball is a singular, common, compound noun; an abstract noun as the word for the game basketball; a concrete noun as the word for the ball for basketball. The noun basketball is a word for a thing.
Could be Sink it... if it's basketball related it would be "Dunk it"
No because in the word BASEball the word BASE is in it.In the word BASKETball the word BASKET is in it.
It means that it was intercepted like in football.
The french word for basketball is "le ballon-panier."
If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.
The word basketball is a noun; a word for a game or a type of ball; a word for a thing.
The word basketball is a common, singular, compound noun.