It is when a small player is guarding a larger, stronger player in the post.
"That's mouse in the house right there... Free cheese" - Stacey King
let go of the mouse button.
The term Drained in basketball refers to shooting the basketball and having it cleanly go through the net making a "swish" sound. Usually highlight reel shots
It refers to robbing a house.
It originates from the Latin word 'Mus', which is also the genus under which mice are categorised. The Latin term for the common house mouse is Mus musculus.
A brick means the ball bounced hard off of the backboard, like if you threw the basketball hard at it.
its the clicker or the device you use to interact with the things on your monitor
A basketball term that starts with P is pass.
The term mouseketeer came from the days when there used to be the Mickey Mouse Club on television. The kids who made up the cast on the Mickey Mouse Club show were called Mouseketeers.
Yes, a dime is a slang term for an assist in basketball.
Beef is the term for how to shoot a basketball. B is Balance. E is Elbows in. E is Eye on hoop. F is Follow through.
There are none... stop playing basketball