A brick means the ball bounced hard off of the backboard, like if you threw the Basketball hard at it.
Block means a brick
The term Drained in basketball refers to shooting the basketball and having it cleanly go through the net making a "swish" sound. Usually highlight reel shots
A basketball term that starts with P is pass.
A basketball is not a mass structure because it is not made up of piled up materials. For instance, a brick wall is a mass structure. A basketball is actually a shell structure.
Yes, a dime is a slang term for an assist in basketball.
It isn't improper if it is a brick building. But a wood building with a brick veneer is not a brick building. Many people speak of a house as being a brick house, but it is probably a frame house with brick veneer. Perhaps that is what the question is about.
A Besser brick is another term for a Besser block - a large double-cavity concrete block.
If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.
Beef is the term for how to shoot a basketball. B is Balance. E is Elbows in. E is Eye on hoop. F is Follow through.
There are none... stop playing basketball
The term 'brick phone' - relates to the earliest handset models. They were huge pieces of equipment roughly the size of a standard house-brick.