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Q: What does the defender marking the player with the disc counts out loud in a Frisbee game?
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In ultimate frisbee what is the name of the defensive player?

There are two defenders with different names. A defender guarding the offensive handler is known as the marker. He marks the disc. A defender anywhere else is just a defender. No special name.

What happens if a defensive player intercepts a throw or knocks the frisbee to the ground?

If a player on defense catches a disc or hits it to the ground, then possession changes. The player may continue play going the opposite direction. If the disc hits the ground, any player may pick it up on his or her team to continue play. This is similar to an interception in American football.

How can you get open for a pass or score in Ultimate Frisbee?

An offensive player makes what is known as a cut. It is basically an L shaped run; a player runs in a direction, and then makes a sharp turn into an opposite direction to attempt to break away from their defender.

What is a pick in ultimate Frisbee?

Just as in basketball, a pick is when a defensive player is cut off from the person she/he is defending, usually when that person runs so close to another player that the defender is "picked off." Unlike basketball, it is illegal, mainly because it can be dangerous when players are running at top speed. If a pick is called, play stops and the defender is allowed to catch up. If the offensive player that did the picking catches the disc, they have to send it back to the thrower and the defender is allowed to catch up.

Can one player guard the person with the frisbee in ultimate frisbee?

no because that would be cheating, gosh read the rule book

When and where was baseball player Charlie Frisbee born?

Charlie Frisbee was born February 2, 1874, in Dows, IA, USA.

What is the role of a handler in Ultimate Frisbee?

The handler in Ultimate Frisbee is responsible for throwing the frisbee to another player, called the cutter. The handler is an offensive position much like a quarterback in football.

When and where did baseball player Charlie Frisbee die?

Charlie Frisbee died November 7, 1954, in Iowa Falls, IA, USA.

What is an open player in basketball?

A player who is not being guarded by a defender.

Who is Southampton's best ever defender?

Jason Dodd is the best defender he is loyal and immense player

Where did the drinking game beer frisbee originate?

A thirsty ultimate player A thirsty ultimate player

What actors and actresses appeared in Light Escapes Through the Intervals - 2011?

The cast of Light Escapes Through the Intervals - 2011 includes: Spencer Holden as Frisbee Player Justin Leon as Frisbee Player