How tight the throat of your crosse head is. A stick with a lot of pinch will be just barely wide enough at the throat to pass inspection. A stick with minimal pinch will be broader.
Cut it of so if you want to pinch your head save it but make sure to burn the edges after it is cut off.
Lacrosse was first played by the Potawatomi Indians as a celebration.
If your thinking about College Lacrosse 2010 as a video game, there is no College Lacrosse Video Game. If you mean something else I have no clue.
Without the dashes its another name for lacrosse the Algonquin nation used.
"Yellow" is a term used in Boys lacrosse which means to slow it down,or hold onto the ball.
pin - pinch
Yellow and Tan. No, try yellow and a pinch of brown. Perhaps some gray. I mean a PINCH.
I might not have enough money.
that you are the only person he loves
i think you mean attack, not offender
Rip the Duck is lacrosse vernacular for shooting as best as you can. For putting all you have into your shot. Made popular by Mike Gabel from True Lacrosse.
To pinch is a verb. "Pinch" as in the phrase "in a pinch" or as in "a pinch of salt", then pinch would be a noun.