well it depends. its callled a midfielder and there can be several different types. there can be ones like attacking, defensive, left winger, right winger, left midfielder, right midfielder and others like that
It has a goally, defenders, middle position, and front position.
Pointguard is not a soccer position. This position exists in basketball, however.
A Position in soccer that is both offensive and defensive is the position central mifield
Special teams is not a position in soccer.
When you are a child playing soccer you choose a position that you enjoy most or that you are best at after trying out all of the positions. You work at the position and it becomes your position.
No position in soccer is unique to that sport.
position : teacher in high school
A girl can play any position in soccer that they choose oor they want to play ,boys cant choose for us.
no soccer is not hard to learn just know your position and stand by it.
soccer is Bolivia's major sport. soccer is very popular in this position.