they run the field. their are 3 midfielders (left, middle, right) and the center midfielder takes faceoffs at the initiatian of play which occurs after goals are scored, or at the beginning of quarters. They play offense and defense, and their is allowed to be one long stick middie at a time.
The Buick Lacrosse is an affordable, luxury, mid-sized, car.
Lacrosse was first started by the native Americans. it is the oldest north American sport.
With a mid-pocket, hard mesh.
yes it is said to have been invented by the ancient Mayans.
The most to run is the mid fielders. They run the full field. Defense and Attack Men only can run up to mid field
10 seconds
None. There are no "passing" requirements in lacrosse. As a matter of fact, there are several cases of goalies making a save, running the length of the field, and scoring.
Not often. Lacrosse isn't one of those games which is popular on the West Coast. People play it in California, but they're usually either transplants from the Mid-Atlantic or New England or attended school there.
it depends if youre on defense or attack and midfielder
The bigger stick is primarily used for defensive players and is 72in long(With head) The smaller one is used for every other position and is 42in long.(With head)
Yes it is against the rules. Each position has an assigned stick length (range) and cannot be changed, especially not mid game.
New balance owns Warrior lacrosse and Warrior lacrosse owns Brine Lacrosse.