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You take the amount of goals scored and subtract the amount of goals conceded and that gives you the goal difference. It can be negative or positive. It is used as a way of deciding the order of teams in a league when they have the same amount of points.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Goal Difference is an important statistic used in football, mainly to diffrentiate between 2 similarly placed teams. Goal Difference = Goals Scored - Goals Conceded.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The differencial is Rules

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Q: What does goal difference mean in English soccer?
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What dose goal difference mean in English soccer.?

It's the total goals the team has scored minus the total goals the team has conceded. Say a team scored a total of 7 goals in 3 games (for example) and conceded a total of 4. The goal difference is 7-4=3.

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Goal (as in Soccer) -- Gol! Goal (as in an achievement) -- Meta, logra

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I'm pretty sure it's Goal Difference. The difference between Goals For and Goals Against.

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