Efficiency rating: ((PTS + REB + AST + STL + BLK) - ((FGA - FGM) + (FTA - FTM) + TO)) / G
Efficiency rating: ((PTS + REB + AST + STL + BLK) - ((FGA - FGM) + (FTA - FTM) + TO)) / G
Field Goal, making a basket worth 2 points.
For jingle bells the letter notes on the recorder are: bbb bbb bd' gab cccc cbbb baa bad' bbb bbb bd' gab cccc cbbb d' d' cag
You are a nerd!
A KitchenAid FGA food grinder can be purchased online from amazon. Amazon carries a large selection of food grinders in their online store. In addition, they offer free shipping on orders.
If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.
National Basketball Association
Yes. http://homepages.tesco.net/~J.deBoynePollard/FGA/questions-with-yes-or-no-answers.html
AD, F, AD, F, AC(high) BG, FGA, DCED.