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An Attacker is the person(s) who are either playing Middle hitter, or outside hitter. And sometimes even back row attacks. An Attack is a strike at the ball downwards in hopes to gain a point from the other team. Also known as "SPIKE"

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The attackers' job is to score goals and help their teammates do so.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

They are the ones who try to score with the middies

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a girl atacker is an ofenceive player so she is normally asisting with the goals or shooting and making goels herself

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βˆ™ 15y ago

They try to score. Kinda like a forward in soccer.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the answer is you dont! You dont tackle in Field Hockey just in football and Wrestling.

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Q: What does a girl attacker do in lacrosse?
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Get a book, like Coaching Girl's/Boy's Lacrosse for Dummies.

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The attacker in both mens and womens lacrosse is an offencive player who usually plays in front or around the goal area

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Boston college does in fact have a girl's lacrosse team, but is lacking a men's.

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Unfortunately not. Girls lacrosse is almost a completely different sport compared to boys lacrosse. Not only will you be physically unable to play boys lacrosse, they will not allow it. Sorry

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Lacrosse game - Girl whos been a Lacrosse player for 5 yrs - This is true - Guy who's playing D-1 college lax

Is a girl allowed to use a guy's lacrosse stick?

no the pocket is to big

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Who is lily avazis?

it can be some girl on facebook Or a lacrosse player in 6th grade

What actors and actresses appeared in Holding - 2007?

The cast of Holding - 2007 includes: Jeff Dull as Attacker 1 Lynn Kenny as The Girl David Safford as Attacker 2 Kendal Tuttle as Gantz

What does theattacker do in lacrosse?

The attacker is the person who stays in front of the goal and usually takes the most shots, they can not pass mid field line, and are extremely important on the ride too ( when the defense gets the ball they play defense on them)