wow im such an idiot why would anyone want to be seen with me im such a loser...
Oh shoot!
Without any other information, I would have to say: 69%.
Se la perdio! translates to: He lost it! Meaning: he lost his shot 'on goal' there is something lost in translation. hope it helps.
Is a basketball player.... what? What do you want to say? Just don't do this again okay? Thanks -annoymous
I say Lisa Leslie.
"Say hey Kid" was Willie Mays and it wasn't basketball it was baseball.
fact people might say Chamberlain was better but he was the only 7ft back then so he just shot over people
basuketto-booru pureyaa
a basketball player because in my opinion they definitely move around much more than a softball player. i know this because i am a basketball and softball player and i would say that you move more and quicker than you would in softball
Lets go out there and play some basketball
if someone says misses to u it means they kissed u, but sinces u cant tupe in kiss they say misses
Basketball players should be taller, so I would say about 63 inches.