A 31 is a type of set. It is usally a quick set about 1 foot above the net. It is set in between the middle front and outside hitter positions.
Dragan Nešić - volleyball - was born on 1970-07-31.
Pakistan men's national volleyball team was created on 1955-01-31.
I think you mean spike the volleyball, and yes you can
To have fun, strengthen your arms, compete, improve, and make new friends! :)
to move over
Well William Morgan invented volleyball so it has something to do with his last name.
Co-ed volleyball is when both guys and girls play on the same team.
Click on the 'Volleyball Basics' link on this page to see a document about the basics of volleyball, including serving, digging, and spiking. The information about the serve is on page 10. You will need the Adobe reader to view the document.
in the USA da? not to be mean
master sprot
You can get hurt in both but indoor volleyball should be in wood, i mean, the floor, so if you fall you will hurt more than in the grass or sand.