It means that you take the place of a player or players who can lvl up and/or gain new skills. RPG stands for Role Playing Game.
I have played and been a fan of football my entire life and I have never heard the stat RPG. RPG in basketball is "rebounds per game" and another meaning of RPG is "role playing game." But never have I heard RPG used as a stat index in football
No, the RPG was not invented until 1961. However the Bazooka was used, which the RPG is partly based on.
RPG stands for Role Playing Game.
No. The only variants of the RPG-7 are: >RPG-7V2 (most commonly used RPG) >RPG-7D3 (made for paratroopers) >Type 69 (Chinese model) >RPG-7USA (Picatinny Rails) >B-41 (Vietnamese/Cambodian version)
"you are a cutie, Ellen" ... A password used in the 1980s RPG entitled "Wasteland"
It means you have lost your acces to the RPG becasue you have broken the rules.
If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.
Hit Points or heath points
rpg means really powerful gun lms lls lmafo It can also mean role playing game It also means Rocket Powered Grenade.
Basketball brackets are used in basketball tournaments to determine the winnners and other placements of the teams. There are several different types of brackets used in basketball tournaments.