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If you keep playing softball even though you need sleep, you could get hurt. The ball could hit you, you could run into another player, fall, or any number of things. If you need to sleep, you should stop playing. Though accidents can happen when you are refreshed, they are more likely to happen when you need to sleep.

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Q: What do you think would happen if you kept playing softball even though you needed sleep?
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What are the health and physical benefits of playing softball?

Well your muscles get stronger and you can lose weight. Though there aren't any exact benefits just for playing softball. it helps you learn teamworkFor starters, baseball and softball are activities that work several muscle groups and require multiple skills. You'll get aerobic benefits from running, and build strength from batting, throwing, and catching. Fielders will increase lower body strength, while pitchers will develop arm and shoulder strength. Playing baseball or softball will also develop your hand-eye coordination and mental focus

What do you think about travel softball?

I think travel softball is amazing. Only if you are into it though because it takes a lot of hard work and compassion. I have been playing since i was 9 and now i am 14. My experience has been very good but it depends on what you play for. Like you can play NSA ASA ISA... there are tons.

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Yes you can! You are not allowed to have it in for school sports though.

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injurys, etc. you could also get death threats. PROBABLY NOT, THOUGH.

Is the philadelphia flyers a baseball team?

No. They are an ice hockey team. Sometimes though, they would play Softball.

How often to people get injuried in softball?

It depends on the precautions and the situation. UCL tears are common or tennis elbows and tendonitous. Like I said though, it just depends on the situations but those injuries are common in softball

Why do people think softball players a gay?

I am not so sure that is actually a common belief. A person might tease someone about it, because traditionally females are made to play softball instead of baseball. There might be some female associations with softball, even though plenty of men also play it.

What is it called when you do something and you know what's going to happen but when it happens you act dumbfounded?

It's called feigning ignorance or playing dumb. This is when someone pretends they are unaware or surprised by a situation, even though they knew what was going to happen all along.

Why is a softball fluorescent?

So the players can see it better on the field. You were smart enought to spell 'fluorescent' right, though!

Is it legal to hit a softball on your backswing?

yes. the umpire doesnt call the batter out though. i do believe it counts as a strike.

Why is the force different between the difference that are hit between a baseball and a softball?

The surface of a softball is larger so it does not go as fast as a small basseball. Though the batter and pitcher(s) determine a lot of the force. -Marina20

In softball on hitting the ball and running the bat can bee thrown anywhere?

No way. I was playing catcher last spring when a batter threw his bat back into me after hitting the ball. I appealed to the ump and he called the guy out, even though he got a hit. Safety first.