Helmet,Gloves,Shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, shin gaurds, skates, stick, puck, jersey, and hockey socks
For Field Hockey you only need shinguards, mouthguard, a stick and a uniform, unless you want to be a goalie.
I am a AAA hockey player, they do not require us to wear hockey shorts, but hockey pants are a neccesity.
Hockey is problably the most competitive sport there is. Especially if you are in traveling hockey, it takes alot of time so you are going to need to love it to play
hockey because they need support from the puck in every place hockey because they need support from the puck in every place
if you dont someone will beat you up with his hockey stick
you first need to get wood and then carve it to hockey stick form. then paint it to make it an officully hockey stick.
Yes. Core Strenght is extreamly important in hockey
how did hockey what? you need a better question. it makes no sense [not to be rude]. if someone was to answer this they would not know what you are talking about. sarah
To play it right you need to have amazing cardio
Ice Hockey,Roller hockey,Underwater Hockey,Table HockeyShuffleboardand a few others to refer to a primary playing device of cylindrical slice of thickness typically less than the radius of the cylinder.
To start a hockey team you will need: A helmet (with a cage if playing Junior), neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, a jersey, jock or Jill (gender dependent), hockey pants, gloves, hockey stick, shin guards, skates, hockey socks, oh and a couple hundred bucks! *this is the equipment needed for Alberta minor hockey* hope it helps! :D