Team work on a cheer squad is helping your teammates to reach your goal, and working together to get the flyer up in the air without dropping her. Cheerleaders need teamwork in a cheer squad, as the bases have to work together to get the flyer up in the air while the back spot has to work with the flyer to see what she's comfortable with. The back spot also has to work with the bases, to make sure they know what they're doing. The tumblers have to work together to make sure they are spread out enough to wear they don't run into each other when in the act of tumbling. Last but definitely not least, the team has to work together to keep their smiles on their faces, no matter how many bruises, cuts, broken limbs, etc... to accomplish their goal. Not only that but they have to be counting in their head while all of this is going on.
for one be proud! Do your best and give it all u got! Once u make it u have to start to learn some jumps like left and right pike and hirkey. u have to learn how to do the cheers,jumps and stunts!As a cheerleader myself, u need to be in good fit and health.Dont let cheer get in way of work because if u do grades drop,parents are mad,and u are in trouble.ALWAYS BE LOUD!!!!! Dont ever cheer for the other team even if u dont like cheering for a losing team. Spirit after every cheer in games and Other than that listen to coach and other team mates. HAVE FUN!!!!!!
Cheerleading Teams Are Called 'Squads'
Cheerleading Teams Are Called 'Squads'
No. But we have a dance team. :3
20-25 people
It pumps them up, especially in Football.
hellcats haha maybe tigers or something make sure it goes well with your school or areas name.
A cheer leading competition is where multiple teams do their routine and Judges watch them and give each team a score. Teams are often scored on stunts,tumbling,timing,ect...
On the gulf (of Mexico) Either CFO (Cheer Force One) or Cheer Force it's allstar btw :)
OF course.
is the captain of the cheer- leading squad