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0-0. That is when neither team scores a goal.

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Q: What do you call a low soccer score?
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What would you call a soccer score?


What do you call trying to score in soccer?

Shooting I think. Or striking. One of those two.

Who had scored the fist score in soccer?

You are not allowed to score in soccer by your fist

Can a defensive player score in soccer?

Yes. Any player on the pitch can score in soccer including goalkeepers.

What is getting a goal in soccer?

a goal in soccer is to "score a goal"

In soccer what does a forward do in the field?


What is called when you try to score in soccer?

When you score it is called a 'Goal'. When you try to score it is called 'Shooting'.

How are scores in soccer recorded?

The referee keeps a record of the score, as do other officials. There is also a scoreboard at most venues. As scoring in soccer is low, it is not difficult to keep scores recorded accurately compared to other sports.

What is the intent of soccer?

The intent of soccer is to score more goals than your opponent.

How does soccer involve math?

Soccer is involved in math because to keep score

Use the word score in an sentence?

I score all the time when i play soccer.

Could a wing forward score goals in soccer?

Anyone Can Score A Goal.