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they find a home for the gator

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Q: What do swamp people do with the gators they catch?
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Related questions

Who do the Gators play for?

The Gators don't play for anyone. They are a national college football team, called the Florida Gators. Their home field is known as "The Swamp."

Which animal lives in a swamp?

Many animals live in a swamp including gators, river snakes, forgs, slugs, and many others.

How big can a gator grow?

On the History Channel (Swamp People), gators have been measured longer than 13 feet from snout to tail tip.

How many games did spurrier lose in the swamp?

As the Gators head coach, he was 68-5.

How do swamp people deal with mosquitoes?

They catch mosquitoes with their bare hand and crush them unmercifully

What do gators do to catch food?

Gators do things like hunt, hide, and attack to catch food. They are considered to be ambush hunters and will sometimes lay at the bottom of a river or lake and wait for prey to pass by them.

In the North East end zone of The Swamp what does the fan-made sign say?

Work 'em Silly Gators

Did Tim Tebow and the gators beat FSU 35-10 at his last game at the swamp?

noit was 37 -10

What fish does an alligator eat?

Gators aren't particular to what they eat. They'll eat anything that they can catch.

What are all the names for alligators?

Some common names for alligators include gators, swamp dragons, and bayou beasts.

What bait do you use to catch swamp lizards in Runescape?

To catch a swamp lizard you will need a small fishing net and a rope. For bait use Guam leaves. Good Hunting!

Were do you catch a giant frogspawn on runescape?

Using a small net, you can catch these in the underground cave below lumbridge swamp. You can access this area from the lumbridge swamp, or lumbridge castle basement.