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well i think volleyball is a great sport to play and that they are professional trained of what they do

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How many players should be on the court in volleyball?

6 people i think because I'm playing volleyball in gym and we played in with 6 people

Is there a total of 12 people on a volleyball team?

on my volleyball team at my junior high, we have 10. but i think the highest amount of people that you can have on a team is 12

What do people think of volleyball?

one of the worlds most popular sports

What is clinic ace?

it is like a clinic to help people to where the can get an ace in volleyball i think

What is a 12 in juniors?

Im not sure but i think its 00 .

What collages play volleyball?

I think every collage has volleyball as a sport!

Can player smash the ball in volleyball?

I think you mean spike the volleyball, and yes you can

Is volleyball like beach ball?

Beach volleyball is less painful then volleyball. In beach volleyball you dig into sand instead of a gym floor. Beach volleyball is hotter and you wear short shorts and a short but tight top. Most people wear sunglasses and you can play bearfooted. In volleyball they wear a jersey and short shorts. They wear tennis shoes also.

When did volleyball first come out?

I think in 1895

Do mini volleyball and volleyball have same rules?

I don't know much but i do know (1) in volleyball you can have 6 people on Court and in mini you can have only 4 (2) In mini volleyball you can not kick the ball but in volleyball you can (3) In volleyball you have sets and in mini you just count all the scores (4) If a boy is playing in a team they will put the net up higher (5) you can serve over arm i think you can do that in mini volleyball as well but people just don't bother because in practice they only teach year 5's and over. That's all i know there are probably heaps more rules but there are some :)

Before a ball was custom made for the sport in 1900 what kind of a ball was being used in volleyball?

I don't think they played volleyball before the actual volleyball came out

What sport uses a side out?

I think it's volleyball.