Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia. He was the youngest of five children and grew up in poverty after his father left the family. Robinson excelled in sports during his high school years, particularly in football, Basketball, track, and Baseball. He went on to attend UCLA, where he became the school's first athlete to win varsity letters in four sports.
Oh, dude, Jackie Robinson was just your average guy, you know, born in 1919 in Georgia, grew up in California, played sports, went to college, served in the military, broke the color barrier in baseball, no big deal. Just your typical everyday hero stuff, like, who hasn't done that, right?
Well, honey, Jackie Robinson was born in 1919 in Georgia and raised in California. He was a star athlete in high school and college, excelling in football, basketball, track, and of course, baseball. Before breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball, he served in the military during World War II.
a barney toy.
It's Jackie Robinson Quotes. The full sentence is: "Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion, you're wasting your life.”
He says Jackie Robinson is bigger than life to him
Maury Allen wrote a biography of Jackie Robinson called A Life Remembered.
What famous quotes did Jackie Robinson say.
no he did not
Jackie robinson played baseball, not basketball
You can go on Answers.com or Wikipedia and type in Jackie Robinson because it has lots of information about his career and his life.
The Jackie Robinson Foundation's motto was created by its founder. It was, "A life is not important except for the impact it has on others' lives."
yes it was rough
yas he did
jackie robinson